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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Looking Back...

Twas not much long ago, to me it seems just yesterday...
When you and I sailed together, on the frothy waves of smiles,
Your eyes that stole glances, and strew roses on my way,
With youthful passion and an undying faith, we walked the difficult miles...
Twas not long ago, we spread our wings to the evening sky,
Bathed in the sunset, drenched in the bluish dye of night...
Defying the callous world’s ‘how’, ‘when’ and ‘why’,
We tasted heaven to our heart’s delight!!

Your resounding smiles still deafen my ears amidst the maddening crowd...
I feel one with you, your soul transpiring into me all over again...
They say you are not around, but in some distant land,
Tell me, is there any corner of the world where my love won’t find you?
They say you remember me not, and I laugh it away,
Somewhere in the forgotten niche of your memory, I reside...  
You can’t wipe me out, you can’t shake me off,
I have a part of you with me, with which I endeavour
Day after day, to rebuild our little cosmos, replete with the little joys...
I walk amidst millions, but I’m all saturated by you,
Oh! The familiar lilting of voice that I still feel on my pillow,
It is the soporific symphony that lulls me to sleep,
For, if you cease to invade my dreams, or refuse to break into my dreams,
I shall never open my eyes to the morning beams...

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